Bonus |
is one of the more obvious
external signs of indigestion,
and is caused when the body
tries to release bubbles of
gas from the stomach.
Did you know...?
- Burping is the first thing
a baby actually "learns"
to do. Its instincts are
to suckle, cry, breathe,
wee and poo, but it's the
parent that teaches a baby
to burp by patting it on
the back.
- Some European birds and
other animals can produce
a voice by breathing air
into the wind pipe then
belching it out.
- The World record for the
loudest burp in the world
is held by a Brit - Paul
Hunn of Edmonton, London.
It was registered at 118.1
dB on April 5, 2000. Previously,
an American (John Oesch)
was the record holder with
a belch of 115.2 dB
- Definition of a belch
as appears in Webster's:
Pronunciation: 'belch
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English,
from Old English bealcan
1 : to expel gas suddenly
from the stomach through
the mouth
2 : to erupt, explode, or
detonate violently
3 : to issue forth spasmodically
: gush