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August 2003

Climatic change - taking its toll on our health


Britain's climate is changing dramatically, and with these changes in temperature and weather, come changes in our health. In a typical year, by the end of August we are preparing for the autumn, but this year, we are still experiencing record temperatures which bring with them a whole host of ailments.

Hospitals have reported increases in admissions for respiratory disorders linked to smog created by the combination of atmospheric pollution and the heat. But there are other more common ailments that are linked to the rising temperature. The Consumer Health Information Centre (CHIC) - an advice service set up to help consumers understand more about their health - conducted a survey across the UK looking at the incidence of 'summer ailments' and how much people will suffer before seeking help. The findings showed that in the last few months:

  • 36% of people have suffered from indigestion, with 44% of people saying that they would suffer to the extreme before seeking help
  • One in three people have suffered an insect bite. Bites and stings can cause misery in the summer months but yet 25% of people would suffer to the extreme before seeking advice or treatment
  • 34% of Britons have suffered a 'summer cold'
  • 25% of those questioned have suffered heat exhaustion and dehydration this summer
  • Women are far more tolerant of symptoms of hayfever and allergies than men, with double the number of women than men saying that they would suffer to the extreme before treating the condition.

So, why are we leaving it so late to seek help and treatment for these minor ills? Some would blame the fact that we will wait to seek advice from the Doctor. However, research from CHIC shows that a staggering 33% of people do not get an appointment with their doctor until five to 14 days after calling to book, and even then, only 9% of women (compared to 40% of men) believe the doctor knows best!

When we do seek treatment for these ailments, 72% of us choose to self-treat, visiting our local pharmacist for advice on the range of OTC medicines that are available to help. Here are some handy hints from CHIC to guide you through your treatment options.

It's a Jungle out there - Insect bites
The high temperatures we are still experiencing mean that the insects traditionally associated with summer - such as bees, wasps and midges - are still bothering us as we draw near to September. However, there are a wide range of creams, lotions and sprays that will ease the bite or sting and help clear up the redness. Common ingredients in these medicines include hydrocortisone to clear up the redness and lidocaine or benzocaine to soothe the pain. There are a range of antihistamine creams and local anaesthetics that can provide relief. The pharmacist will give advice on what will be most suited to each individual.

Rumble in the jungle - Upset stomach
One of the effects of prolonged exposure to high temperatures is an upset stomach.
Tummy troubles are also brought on by the change in the type of food we consume during the hot weather: an increase in protein-rich meats such as burgers and sausages can upset our digestive systems.

When it comes to treating an upset stomach, there are a number of indigestion remedies that work in different ways. Some contain ingredients that work by neutralising the acid (antacids), others stop the stomach from producing too much acid (acid reducers), stop acid rising up from the stomach (alginates), release trapped wind in the stomach (antiflatulents) or help the stomach get back its normal movement (motility restorers). Some remedies contain a mixture of these ingredients. Ask your pharmacist to get the remedy that is most suitable for you.

Feeling hot, hot, hot - Heat exhaustion
Heat exhaustion can develop after several days of exposure to high temperatures and inadequate or unbalanced replacement of fluids. Those most prone to heat exhaustion are elderly people, people with high blood pressure, and people working or exercising in a hot environment. Warning signs of heat exhaustion include: heavy sweating, paleness, dizziness, nausea or vomiting and muscle cramps. Heat exhaustion is closely linked to dehydration; therefore we need to drink more than the usual 8 glasses of water each day to help our bodies replace the fluid lost through sweating. But remember, alcohol dehydrates you, so make sure you drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink taken. However, if you are suffering from a headache either induced by heat or by alcohol, there are a number of remedies at hand to help. Treat your headache with a pain relief product such as ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirin and drink plenty fluids to ensure you re-hydrate yourself.


Notes to Editors:

CHIC is an advice service set up to help consumers understand more about health. A variety of leaflets on minor ailments such as hayfever and indigestion are available from CHIC by calling 0207 370 2233.

For further information, please contact:
Sophie Taylor-Roberts, Nexus Healthcare 020 7761 1786
Nicky Smith, Nexus Healthcare 020 7761 1714

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