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Using OTC Medicines with Prescription Medicines

Dr Paul Stillman, an advisor for the Consumer Health Information Centre says "Over-the-counter medicines are extremely effective for many common problems. Most are safe to take with those prescribed by your doctor but it is always important to check this and to ensure you receive the maximum benefit from every medicine you take."

OTC (over-the-counter) medicines are medicines that you can buy from pharmacies, supermarkets, etc. without needing a prescription from your doctor. They are all approved by the Government as safe to use without medical supervision. But they are still medicines and can sometimes cause harm if they are not used properly. There could sometimes be problems when people who are already taking medicines prescribed by their doctor want to use an OTC medicine as well. Usually it is perfectly safe to do this, but there are a few rules that you should follow to make sure that you stay 100 per cent safe all the time. If you use this checklist you can't go wrong.

  • When buying an OTC medicine in a pharmacy always tell the pharmacist or assistant if you are taking any prescribed medicines.
  • If you are taking medicines for any long-term condition, such as high blood pressure or heart problems, diabetes, epilepsy, thyroid problems, etc, there are some OTC medicines that you should not use. Always check with your doctor or pharmacist before buying an OTC medicine to make sure that it is alright for you to use it.
  • If you are taking medicines for any long-term condition always read the label on the OTC medicine or leaflet in the pack, and it will tell you if you should not be taking the medicine with your condition.
  • Always read the label on the OTC medicine or leaflet in the pack to check that it is alright to take it with your prescribed medicine(s). Some medicines react with each other ('interact') if taken together and can cause problems.
  • Always read the label on the OTC medicine or leaflet in the pack to make sure that the ingredient(s) are not the same as prescribed medicines you are already taking. People sometimes take the same ingredient in two medicines without realising. Medicine strengths and doses are carefully worked out to make sure that you get the full benefit without any harmful effects, and taking more than you should would not increase its effectiveness but could cause problems.
  • Always check the names of the ingredient(s) of the OTC medicine on the label or leaflet in the pack. Brand names (e.g. Anadin, Benylin) are not ingredient names, and you need to know the ingredient name to check that it is alright for you to take the medicine.
  • If you are in any doubt at all about whether you should be taking an OTC medicine, check with a pharmacist. You can go into any pharmacy and talk to a pharmacist without appointment and usually straightaway.

Back to top is a directory of medicines and food supplements that are available 'over the counter' (OTC) from your pharmacist. The links below will take you to pages detailing products which may help treat or relieve the following symptoms:

NHS Direct and NHS 24 (in Scotland)- The gateway to health information on the internet. Contains a list of information on health, including features, healthy living, healthcare guide, conditions and treatments and frequently asked questions.

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